For Students:
What to expect
Your trained consultant will meet you in the appointment link or in person in Humanities Hall room 311. You will discuss questions about your assignment, the status of your assignment, and your writing style. Your consultant will work with you to establish areas where your writing can improve.
Be prepared
You will spend thirty minutes to an hour working with your consultant on your assignment. You will be encouraged to make a follow-up appointment to discuss any feedback you may receive on your writing from your peers or instructors. While our consultants will work diligently with you to help as much as possible with the writing process, we cannot guarantee a good grade—your professors grade your assignments.
Before you arrive for or log in to your appointment, make sure you have access to an electronic copy of your assignment sheet as well as any writing you have completed. If you like, your consultant will email your professor to let them know you attended an appointment with the Harbert Writing Center.
For Professors:
We can assist faculty and staff with writing instruction strategies and designing writing projects. Consultants can visit your classes at any point in the semester to explain how to use the HWC or conduct a writing workshop in a specific content area, or provide a demonstration for using writing resources. We can also arrange for small group meetings in the center to accommodate collaborative assignments. Our director can meet one-on-one with professors to discuss composing effective writing assignments, in-class writing exercises, or support for student writers in a given content area. To arrange any of these sessions, contact Dr. Cynthia Mwenja at or 205-476-2042.