



Asia Wiggins and her research advisor, Dr. Richardson

Asia Wiggins and her research advisor, Dr. Richardson

The Psychology Program at the University of Montevallo offers students excellent preparation in the field of Psychology, equipping graduates for entry into graduate school or a professional career.  The undergraduate curriculum is designed to cover the major areas of Psychology. For students interested in attending graduate school in Psychology, the faculty offer opportunities to engage in individual research projects and conference attendance and participation.

Psychology majors may also be interested in the Psychology/Social Work double major.

Psychology Students in a Discussion-Based Course

Career Opportunities

Career opportunities for graduates of the Psychology Program are interesting and varied. Some graduates have found employment with agencies working with mental health, substance abuse, adolescent treatment, nursing homes or senior citizens’ programs, and with state and/or federal programs. Other graduates have gone into industrial market research, hospital administration, employee assistance, counseling, or law school. Still others have chosen the field of education as the way to use their Psychology training. Teaching Psychology at the high school or college level, pursuing graduate training in school counseling and guidance, or graduate training in School Psychology are rewarding options.

Why Psychology at UM?

  • Students study behavior and mental processes.
  • A degree in psychology can help prepare you for jobs that require research and statistical skills, knowledge of lifespan development, biological bases for behavior, animal and human learning, or cognition and interacting with individuals with mental illness.
  • A psychology degree will also help you on your path to graduate school in a variety of careers that include but are not limited to experimental psychology, neuroscience, law, health and wellness, fine arts, and business.
  • Psychology is an enormously diverse and varied discipline with a tremendously rich future and unlimited potential for exploration and learning.

Psychology Faculty

Dr. Kristen Gilbert
Professor of Psychology; Assistant Provost for Assessment and Accreditation/SACSCOC Liaison
Ph.D., University of Memphis
(205) 665-6445 Humanities Hall 301-B
Courses: Cognitive, Senior Seminar in the History of Psychology

Dr. Rachel Jubran
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Ph.D., University of Kentucky
(205) 665-6435 Fallin Hall 212
Courses:  Foundations, Lifespan Development, Diverse Family Systems, Psychology in Media, Psychology of Death, Psychology of Human Sexuality, and Senior Seminar in the History of Psychology

Dr. Elizabeth (Betsy) Richardson
Associate Professor of Psychology
Ph.D., University of Alabama Birmingham
(205) 665-6446 Fallin Hall 327
Courses:  Foundations, Forensic Psychology, Psychology of Pain, Psychopathology, and Biological Psychology

Dr. Melissa Shepherd
Associate Professor of Psychology
Ph.D., Florida State University
(205) 665-6447 Fallin Hall 326
Courses: Psychology of Personality, Intimate Relationships, Social Psychology, Descriptive Statistics, Research Methods, Health Psychology

Dr. Shepherd and DeeDee Smith presenting research

Dr. Richardson in class.

Dr. Richardson in class.


A Psychology minor consists of PSYC 201 and 15 additional hours of psychology electives.

Students in the Psychology Wet Lab

Students in the Psychology Wet lab


Scholarship Opportunities

Departmental Scholarships

Drs. Gilbert (PSYC), Turner (POS), and Caplow (ES) in the lobby of Fallin Hall.

Drs. Beal (SWK), Eckelman (POS), and Shepherd (PSYC)